Project Overview
The EntRENEW project aims at promoting a dynamic interdisciplinary perspective that articulates the corporate, scientific, and pedagogical skills and knowledge in renewable energy and entrepreneurship. EntRENEW will contribute to increasing the capacity of European students in their way to becoming effective entrepreneurs and leaders, enabling them to address the challenges of Europe`s future sustainable prosperity and the transition of energy sectors towards decarbonisation (as part of the European Green Deal).
The EntRENEW project will develop a trans-disciplinary HE blended-learning course in Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energy (ERE) at the intersection of entrepreneurship and technology (smart, sustainable and renewable energy applied studies).
The project answers three major needs:
NEED 1: The need to form new skills and competences in future MA graduates in business and environmental/energy studies, bridging the knowledge gap in the current HE curricula to answer the demand by new energy businesses.
NEED 2: The need to increase the use of new and innovative pedagogies in HE to enhance students’ motivation
NEED 3: The need to enhance the collaboration between European students and the entrepreneurial community