Entrepreneurship in renewable energy
What’s in it for you, and what you’ll learn
Course motivation
What’s in it for you?
- Societal need for better energy solutions – renewable energy
- Entrepreneurs: vital driving force in creating and disseminating new solutions
- Combination energy and entrepreneurship relatively rare
- Huge interest from prospective employers
- Create your own business? Large entrepreneurial opportunities
This course
- Links practice and theory: focus on the “how to” based on practically useful theories, frameworks and models
- Multidisciplinary
- 5-7.5 EHTS
- Modular setup
- Regardless of your background you should be able to take the course – but the challenges may vary
- If you’re a business student you will need to understand various aspects of energy system
- As an engineer, you need to get into the mindset of an entrepreneur – identifying opportunities and acting on them
- All: need to be agile and reformulate early ideas and hypotheses
Prepare before class – blended learning
In advance material
- Pre-recordings
- Internet films
- Papers
Meeting the teachers
- Lectures
- Gamification
- Project
- Assignments
- Project
EntRENEW course learning outcomes
- Describe the main aspects of institutional and regulatory frameworks of sustainability and how they are related to renewable energy.
- Apply concepts, approaches, tools and methods to identify, compare, and select innovative and sustainable business opportunities and models in the renewable energy sector.
- Characterize sustainable business models that are applicable in renewable energy.
- Evaluate business opportunities for business models in renewable energy market from meso, macro and micro perspectives
Propose a sustainable business or financially viable organizational design concept for the (renewable) energy sector in a cross-sectoral / interdisciplinary setting.