Entrepreneurship in renewable energy

What’s in it for you, and what you’ll learn

Course motivation

What’s in it for you? 

  • Societal need for better energy solutions – renewable energy 
  • Entrepreneurs: vital driving force in creating and disseminating new solutions 
  • Combination energy and entrepreneurship relatively rare 
  • Huge interest from prospective employers 
  • Create your own business? Large entrepreneurial opportunities 

This course 

  • Links practice and theory: focus on the “how to” based on practically useful theories, frameworks and models
  • Multidisciplinary


  • 5-7.5 EHTS
  • Modular setup  
  • Regardless of your background you should be able to take the course – but the challenges may vary
    • If you’re a business student you will need to understand various aspects of energy system 
    • As an engineer, you need to get into the mindset of an entrepreneur – identifying opportunities and acting on them 
    • All: need to be agile and reformulate early ideas and hypotheses 

Prepare before class – blended learning

In advance material 

  • Pre-recordings
  • Internet films 
  • Papers 

Meeting the teachers 

  • Lectures 
  • Gamification 
  • Project 


  • Assignments 
  • Project

EntRENEW course learning outcomes

  1. Describe the main aspects of institutional and regulatory frameworks of sustainability and how they are related to renewable energy.
  2. Apply concepts, approaches, tools and methods to identify, compare, and select innovative and sustainable business opportunities and models in the renewable energy sector.
  3. Characterize sustainable business models that are applicable in renewable energy.
  4. Evaluate business opportunities for business models in renewable energy market from meso, macro and micro perspectives

Propose a sustainable business or financially viable organizational design concept for the (renewable) energy sector in a cross-sectoral / interdisciplinary setting. 

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